Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Practice, ahoy! (or Band, Ho!)

Yeah, tomorrow night, believe it or not.  The rest of the band being the well-oiled machine that they are, it won’t be a complete train wreck, but there are a couple Grover Kent tunes that, and I’m not using hyperbole here in the least, I really have no idea how to play anymore.


I made a CD of the songs we’re playing and that’s my rehearsal guide.  It astounds me that some people can just pick up an instrument and, years later, bang out a song, while I sit and listen to stuff on Me, Myself & Your Mother with a puzzled expression, looking like a chimp trying to split the atom.

Anyway, the setlist for next Friday’s fun fest will be very Running Out of Ramones-centric (i.e. I’m pretty sure we’re gonna do the whole EP.  Yeah, all 11 minutes of it…) but there will be some older tunes as well.  Although, seeing as the friggin’ EP came out in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD TWO THOUSAND AND BLOODY SIX, one could argue that we’re playing ALL old songs.

You’d be right, considering we actually are working on new material.

Oh, on that note I should make a

OK, so I recently went over and recorded some of the world’s pitchiest demos at Jay’s so we can record new stuff.  Jay used Punk Rock Magic™ to put my lyrics and rudimentary melody lines to actual real-life music.  We also used YouTube to make sure a part of a song sounds like, but is not exactly like, another song or two.

He recorded some scratch guitar and then drums.  As noted in a previous blog post, when he went back to listen to them, the drum tracks were botched.  This sort of thing is standard when dealing with Grover Kent, so no big whoop.

The drums were re-recorded for two songs last night and the other two will be tonight.  Soon enough guitars and vocals and whatnot. 

We’re doing this batch with ProTools which makes me pretty uneasy.  Now, it may be because I’m not a Pro (ha!) but mainly because it’s different.  As anyone will tell you, I’m not a dude who likes change.  Mind you, I was leery of recording the Running EP at Jay’s as well, and that turned out fantastic, so I’m probably (PROBABLY?) just being a sissy about it.

OK, that’s enough for me right now kids, see you soon!

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