Saturday, June 25, 2011

Delays, delays, delays...

People* have asked me, “Hey, Smackey!  What in H-E-Double Hockey-Sticks is taking so long with the new single?” and I have to tell them “Well, you can’t rush quality, can you?”

While that’s a perfectly legitimate response as far as I am concerned, they often say something like “Well, that doesn’t explain your career so far…” and then we start sissy-slap fighting and hair pulling and it’s all gone horribly wrong again.

Anyway, here’s my official statement on what’s taking so damned long:

1)      We’re Grover Kent.  We are second only to the Dickies who are second to, maybe, Boston, in the category of Bands Who Do Not Put Stuff Out Quickly.  Our name in Icelandic translates roughly to “Glacial Sloth.” 
2)      Think of our band activity like Plate Tectonics.  Years of pressure and grinding and hot lava and build-up** then KA-BLAM!  That’s how we work.  Years of nothing then we splooge out an EP and a couple of shows.  Aftershocks may include unreleased tracks.
3)      Seriously?   I have 2 jobs, a wife, a kid and a dog.  Unfortunately for you, dear listener, the band is not my highest priority.  If only me crooning about dopey shit paid well, eh?***

I literally have 1 day off a week, and two nights.  It's not easy to cram in the rock, you know?

In an effort to shut you all up, erm… I mean keep you happy, we’re releasing an updated version of our out of print debut album, with bonus tracks.  One of the bonus tracks has not been released before the rest of them are from the LawnDarts split, which is also out of print.  I just put the disc together, I just need to come up with artwork.

Also coming soon: a way to buy our CDs on the internet!!!!  Holy crow!  Seriously.  Not only that, but there will be a way to buy our music as MP3 files as well.  This will rocket the band into the early 2000s again and we’re very excited.

Our stuff hasn’t been available since Are You Listening Records closed up shop, and well, I am lazy sometimes.****

 *-and I don't just mean people in the band ; )  They have vested interest though, so you know, they can do that.
**- this causes chafing, let me tell you!
***-in case you’re wondering, it really doesn’t!
****-A lot

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