Thursday, July 11, 2013

So where the hell is the new single you jerks?

Well, it's in limbo right now.  Direct all ire to me and my uber-shitty 60 hour a week work schedule and the fact that my singing voice seems to be shot.  Poor diet?  Stress?  Being super-duper tired all the time?

Probably all of the above, yeah?

Seriously, two years. Quite frankly, it's getting to a Def Leppard or Dickies level of absurdity here.  When I came up with the idea, I was still on Day shift at the coffee joint!

I intend to finish it after I move in early August.  I refuse to release anything I consider subpar so that's not helping either, you know?  If I accepted some poor vocal takes (to me) this could have been done already.  Lucky for you, my gigantic ego precludes me from doing that!

One thing that annoys me lately is a lot of song ideas and I can't do a goddang thing with them.  Frustrated?  You betcha.

In other news, my non-musical other project is coming along nicely.  I am trying to learn my way around some editing software currently, so there's that.

In unrelated news, I think I just managed to drop a sesame seed under the spacebar on my laptop.